Friday, January 23, 2009

Eye opening day

So I woke up early this morning for no good reason and came to the conclusion that I was going to ride the Volpe in. I received a call an hour before I was to be at Harlan's that my tax money had shown up so I figured "what the hell" and made it a stop on the way to work. I am honestly REALLY REALLY glad that I chose to ride today, something clicked in my head on the 2 mile (maybe) ride in to work that let me in on the secret that THIS was freedom and it left me with the most satisfying feeling that I can remember. I have finally grasped a hold of the passion in me for bikes and biking and am thankful everyday that I get to wake up, ride my bike (the Volpe is hands down my new obsession) and learn about them with the group of guys that are available to me. I hope everyday is like today was... PS. Angie and the Roxy ambushed me on the way in.


thE_kErnEl said...


mytzpyk said...

You look great!

CoalesceKid said...

thats because i have a cap on, without it the light would blind you as it reflects off of my bald spot.

SD_pedalpower said...

You have drank the cool aide. Welcome.